Palatine police have a preferred method of torture?

How do you extract a false confession from a Innocent person? (I posted a bunch of questions)

Palatine pays its cops money to do this,

worse, I would bet Steve Bratcher, has lived to torture another person, another day.

Dick Devine's office shredded a confession by another person, but used this confession by means of torture (right there in court documents)

This is a crime against humanity, this is a war crime.

I don't know what is worse:
this torture, extracting false confessions
or shredding another confession
or a cop mauling down a few residents,
or Baker taking discount for cash payments,
or top state awarded DUI cop - Wenrich hallucinating on the job,
or another top state awarded DUI cop - Hunter not noticing a thing,
or Wenrich's perjured testimony,
or Wenrich's false documents to the court,
or Tatooles, covering this up for Mullins,
or Mullins covering up for Bratcher
or Bratcher blackmailing Tatooles because of this cover up,
or Haas just sitting around making sure all goes OK,
or Village council approval
or mayor approval
or another village council approval
or another mayor's approval
or judicial approval
or Cook County D.A's approval humHappened on Daily's, Devine'swatch, now it's Alvarez watch
or Attorney General Lisa Madigan approval
or Gov Quinn's approval

There is a major problem here, I think there are more criminals in the courts, law enforcement and elected to office, than on the street. You tell me Who's involvement is more criminal than the palatine police chiefs kid and the cops that helped and cleaned up the mess. Maybe Jack and that other council man cleaned up the mess after the torture (re;cleaned up the chicken mess, as a side deal with Chief Bracher)
If you want to see major suburban,


mayor filled with law suites,

witness tampering,

dereliction of duty,

village board of nit wits,


pay offs,

judicial misconduct,

Missing $,

cover ups,

Cops high on pull overs,


more missing $,


a law bar club,



taking bribes,

police extracting false confessions,

aid and abetting,


false reports,

Off shore bank accounts

influence peddling,

get out of jail cards,

subverting the truth,

shake downs,



tax havens,


secrete bank accounts,


power crazy,

your at the right place, just glance at my blogs and this is real and it is now. Next time you get pulled over by a cop or in front of a judge, expect and bet on one or more of the above and if it don't happen, buy a lotto ticket, your lucky day.

Blagojevich, should have been mayor of Palatine

They can nab Blagojevich for talking about a bribe, but let pass, the x-Palatine mayor and others who, were paid off, took bribes, gifts, consulting fees, grants, what ever you want to call it, go free, with the help of Attorney General Madigan and her staff of lawyers, Cook County States Attorney Alveraz and her staff of lawyers, Cook County judges, Law bars, even the judge that he isin front of now, add a supreme court justice (I think that was him - that ruled in the Illinois senate kick out, but then we go into the Burke matter I reference to (someplace), in connection withScotillo, why else in the world, would a Illinois supreme court justice play along with a crooked judge in Cook County, by the name Scotillo and his wife's law bar, about a cop that washallucinating on a traffic stop and the cover up to follow?), and the new gov and his staff of who ever?

We need judges, but we don't need judges that play hodge podgewith the law, I don't know, I assume they once or twice read and said out loud, their oath to a law bar or 2 or something? Their oath to the United States Government? Did the judges, I contacted forget their oath to the United States Government?

You got to have law and order from the gut, not some piece of paper handed to you on a silver platter, once in the gut, always in the gut, if never was in the guy, it'll never be.

But, perhaps judges forget, forgot it, or just don't care any more?

Their cannon, pledge, ethics, conduct, maybe they should review (continuing education), retire or some how get fired or arrested (congress could pass a law on how to deal with corrupt judges of all kinds).

But, I contacted every state senator (see posting below) , and there don't seem much intrest on any of this, so I guess the senate don't give a hoot if a federal judge or any judge for that matter, forgot their oath, has morals or ethics, respects the law (9 to 5, or 10 to 12, or 12 to 3, full time, part time, every other day, once a week) or if a federal judge, would sleaze around with a crookedsleaze ball county prosecutor (ain't that where judges come from?).

hummmmm..... maybe mayor Schwantz will or could invite them all, add some babies, teacher unions, veterans (yea the Palatine Legion, the one's, that screwed me... (seems to be the mode ofoperandi) theft of services, with the aid of x park district leader? head? boss? (chief drunk at the bar now? or bar manager, I forgot which, maybe both), they like to liquor up war veterans, then send then on there way (Palatine's master plan), add some grand ma and pa's, mothers against drunk drivers, FOP and fire department reps, a couple other chiefs (besides a chief drunk or 2), some balloons, a band, to a photo op, with the .
WORLD FAMOUS BUDWEISER CLYDESDALES . then, perhaps, be apart of, and pound down, a few, of the 25,000 drinks per weekend quota, the village is trying to squeeze out.

.No matter what,

Sounds like a lynch mob out for Blogo, to me, but than who am I?hummmmm.....

.Blago aught to say, this was all a miss understanding, it was a consulting fee I was seeking, not a bribe. He should say, how come, those in Palatine, can take bribes and here I get the book thrown at me for talking about it, geeze Obama's wife got kick backs, and it called a bonus, Obama was giving all this free money away, what about the kick backs there? Blago's judge, received my email, so, I would think, that makes the federal judge up to his neck in wire fraud, accessory, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, cover up and a bunch of others, none the less another disgrace to the bench, court, law bar cannon, ethics, oaths he took, pledge, to serve this country. Ditto applies to every us judge in that federal court house. . (There were some post emails from several of the judges offices).

I found that Palatine has (I think) a extremely high number of tax exempt /off shore bank accounts, higher, than most other villages. hummmmm.....

Personally, I think Tatooles giving Chief Bratcher $120k (who's son in court says he extracts false confessions, as part of his job on the Palatine police force) to recommend Haas (deputy chief of Palatine) for top cop job in Inverness, hummmmm..... suspicious. Amazing what a tax write off called "consulting fee" will cover.

I would bet Bratcher (wanting some free, easy money) black mailed Tatooles, he was going to expose Wenrich's perjuredtestimony, that Jack's brother (my defense lawyer #1 of 5) knew about, and knowingly allowed false testimony and documents to the court, and that Jack was apart of this cover up.

How many people did Haas, the police chief of Inverness, extract false confessions from? What form of torture did he use? or because of the close FOP and union brother relation ship said nothing, still says nothing, don't think it's wrong or did Haas just watch? go get coffee? clean up the mess? take notes? Tatooles, his village council, Mullins and her village council, right there in the thick of things.

This is why Inverness residents along with Palatine residents, aught to open up their eyes, wise up and stop playing dumb. Look who is running their community and what they're doing. I don't know any where this is right, except here. in this, village, town, county, state? Citizens have to take some responsibility for being apart of the corruption, shady or what ever you want to call it, deals, that their leaders partake in. How can we or you or any one sit buy when a crooked elected official, cop, judge, is leading us down, his or hers twisted and some times lawfulpath?

Is it the real wish of the Palatine people or any level headed person, to have 25,000 drinks served in down town Palatine and let these people drive home, with the risk of killing some one?

Maybe Bratcher black mailed Judge Scotillo, assistant statesattoreny Chandra and Andre also, why stop with the Tatoolesbrothers? He could ruin several others or make $1/2 million bucks, it's legal and he has the police force to ruff up any one that got in the way.

To expose this perjured testimony would cause major problems for the Tatooles brothers and who ever. So, Bratcher to Tatooles, give me $120k as a consulting fee, you want a top cop, you can have the deputy chief, (I'll hit Haas for a finder fee) and I will let this matter with Mars, Hunter and Wenrich pass, let you off the hook. But then, Tatooles probably figured, why should I pay this money, when I can let the saps of Inverness pay, disguise it as the catch all consulting fee. Whew, thank goodnes the board are a bunch of saps also.

I would bet Tatooles has documents that this is a one time payment or Tatooles will blackmail the blackmailer back, certainly don't want to go to the press or to the authorities (that's where, pay off problems occur, the crime gets so huge, sooner of later, no one knows, who paid who off).

The cover up is always worse than the crime, we add, accessory,conspiracy, wire fraud, cover up. Because the nature of theconspiracy, this crime is, as, it happened yesterday (statue of limitations). I was in Arizona and reported this to authoritiesthere also.

But then I witness and reported (to Scotillo, Illinois and Arizona authorities), plotting to murder, murder for hire, insurance fraud,workman's comp fraud, labor wage fraud, extortion,immigrationlaw violations, auto theft, workers disability fraud and nobody gave a hoot, I feel real bad for the guy that painted the curbs, that might have got his head bashed in or brains splattered all over, cause he wanted to get paid, and the other people didn't want to pay him. I notified the authorities, that I thought might make a difference (the green card Italian showed me a get out of jail card from the Mesa police chief), but nothing took place (not sure, but I would bet on it).

Done partly by a some Italians from Chicago with only green cards. Maybe they are apart ofScotillo's family?

Chicago's dirt runs very deep.

Some one could poke around and I'm sure find a bunch of other crimes that I blog about and others that yet are un known to me).

A lot of jail time and a lot of fines. The state could make a lot of money if they would clamp down on this stuff.

I can't recall if I shared this with Todd Strogers or not, maybe I should send him a link, hate to bother him though, and besides, what is he going to do, forward this to Alveraz, who is up to her neck in the same crime?

I could be reporting a murder, rape, and terror (which I think it is) and the results would be the same.

Gov Quinn, got my email, what does this make him? As far as I can tell, nothing but a 2 timing crook (once again, at least, as a member of the court he has a duty and obgligaiton to up hold the law, to take action, upon receipt of my email, he has a ethic obgligation, law bar code of conduct, a oath as a elected official), more wire fraud?

Why have laws if half the country can get away with breaking em?

It makes me wounder, maybe crime is right and right is wrong? Maybe being a dirt bag, like the rest is a good thing and that is what every one is trying to tell me. Maybe some day, I will get it, but until then, I will remain the same.

. Where would Todd Strogers go to have a crookedAlveraz arrested?.

. Where would Quinn go to have Madigan arrested? .

A assistant states attorney would probably loose their job, if they did such thing (that's assuming there are a few honest lawyers working for the state, that take the law, serious)